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Benefits of Ashwagandha:

GiftOf Health

1. Benefits of Ashwagandha for anxiety and depression:

Ashwagandha contains anxiolytic properties that are similar to that of the drug lorazepam. According to an animal study, both ashwagandha and lorazepam reduced anxiety in the brain of the animal model. Ashwagandha also exhibits antidepressant properties. This indicates that ashwagandha is potent medicine for depression and anxiety.

Ashwagandha tablets

2. Benefits of ashwagandha for arthritis:

Ashwagandha contains anti-arthritic properties that are widely accepted and reported. Ashwagandha relieves pain by soothing the nervous system. In an experimental study, patients were given a formula containing ashwagandha. This herbal formulation reduced the severity of pain and disability.

3. Benefits of ashwagandha for cognition:

Ashwagandha is a popular Ayurvedic Rasayana and belongs to medhyarasayanas, a sub-group of rasayanas. Medhya means mental/intellectual ability. Ashwagandha is used to enhance memory and intelligence. This ability of ashwagandha to enhance cognition is best observed in children with compromised memory and old age.

4. Benefits of ashwagandha for stress:

The circulatory system and cardiovascular health are adversely affected due to mental stress. Stress also affects the body’s antioxidant defense system. Ashwagandha helps the body adapt to stress. It is also effective in improving mental and physical health.

5. Benefits of ashwagandha for pain:

In a study, treatment with an aqueous extract of ashwagandha proved to establish a significant increase in pain threshold compared to that of placebo proving ashwagandha to be an analgesic agent.

6. Benefits of ashwagandha for sexual performance:

The root extract of ashwagandha is known to manage sexual weakness, performance anxiety in men, and erectile dysfunction. It is also reported to improve diminished sexual desire in women. Ashwagandha root extract can be helpful in the management of female sexual dysfunction.

7. Other benefits of ashwagandha:

Ashwagandha can be used to deal with problems related to sleep and contains sleep-inducing properties. It might also help one to fall asleep faster and help have an improved sleep quality.

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