Vitamin B refers to not one, but eight different vitamins. The B vitamins are water soluble which means that the body cannot store them. Many people get all the vitamin B they need from a varied, healthful diet, but others benefit from taking a vitamin B-complex supplement.
Vitamin B-complex supplements include all of the essential B vitamins in one pill and they are often used to reduce fatigue and boost mood. Some studies suggest that B-complex vitamins can lift your spirits and improve your cognitive performance.
Some of the best food sources of B vitamins include:
· avocados, leafy greens
· nuts, legumes, grains
· milk, cheese, yogurt
· enriched and fortified bread and cereals
· mushrooms

Vitamin B Deficiency Diseases and Conditions
Vitamin B deficiency can increase the risk of various diseases and conditions which can affect your heart health, brain health, mental well-being, and more. For example, both B9 and B12 deficiency causes anemia in some cases – a condition in which your body lacks healthy red blood cells. Anemia can also lead to fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, and even numbness and tingling in some cases.
Other conditions linked with vitamin B deficiency include:
· Parenthesis – A “pins-and-needles” feeling often experienced around the arms, hands, legs, or feet
· Peripheral neuropathy – A nervous system condition that is often felt as a stabbing or burning pain
· Psychosis – A mental condition in which one’s thoughts and perceptions are significantly altered, resulting in delusions, hallucinations, nonsense speech, or other symptoms
· Heart attack and stroke – A deficiency in vitamin B12 may heighten the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke
Since vitamin B deficiency is relatively common – some have even declared it a “worldwide problem” – it’s helpful to know some of its main causes.
It’s recommended that older adults who have deficient levels of vitamin B talk with their healthcare provider as soon as possible to come up with a treatment plan. If you are showing vitamin B deficiency symptoms, it may be because you do not have enough vitamin B in your diet. If you're showing signs of tiredness, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, or other deficiency symptoms, consider checking your B vitamins level.